
Find executed Tasks


This is an experimental feature. Expect sharp edges and bugs.

Let’s assume you just executed your pipeline with some values, which were not the default values of your task. In this case, loading these tasks in a Notebook would look like this:

from my_project.tasks import MyTask

MyTask(few='random', parameters='!').read()

In many cases you don’t know the exact parameters that you used and luisy tells you “Task needs to be executed first, try luisy.base.Task.get_related_instances() to find your executed instances of this task”.

In this case, you can use luisy.base.Task.get_related_instances() to find all executed instances of this task on your disk (Note: Task is ideally decorated with luisy.decorators.auto_filename(), or has a proper filename. else, this functionality may not work properly.)

from my_project.tasks import MyTask

#> [MyTask(few='random', parameters='!'), MyTask(few='default', parameters='default'), ...]