
The process module contains the Builder and Cleaner classes.

These represent the main functionality of doxysphinx.

Module Contents#



The Builder builds target docs-as-code files out of an existing html documentation.


The cleaner cleans files created and copied by the builder.

class doxysphinx.process.Builder(sphinx_source_dir: pathlib.Path, sphinx_output_dir: pathlib.Path, dir_mapper_type: Type[doxysphinx.sphinx.DirectoryMapper] = SphinxHtmlBuilderDirectoryMapper, resource_provider_type: Type[doxysphinx.resources.ResourceProvider] = DoxygenResourceProvider, parser_type: Type[doxysphinx.html_parser.HtmlParser] = DoxygenHtmlParser, writer_type: Type[doxysphinx.writer.Writer] = RstWriter, force_recreation: bool = False, parallel=True)[source]#

The Builder builds target docs-as-code files out of an existing html documentation.

For each an every html file a rst file is created that imports the html content with raw directives. The html resources (stylesheets, images etc.) are also processed and copied to the correct place in the sphinx output directory. When sphinx then (later - not part of doxysphinx) processes the rst files they will resemble the original filenames in the sphinx output directory, thereby keeping and internal links intact.

build(doxygen_html_dir: pathlib.Path)[source]#

Generate a rst file for each doxygen html file.

Also copies necessary resources.


doxygen_html_dir – The html output directory of doxygen where the generated documentation is.

class doxysphinx.process.Cleaner(sphinx_source_dir: pathlib.Path, sphinx_output_dir: pathlib.Path, dir_mapper_type: Type[doxysphinx.sphinx.DirectoryMapper] = SphinxHtmlBuilderDirectoryMapper, resource_provider_type: Type[doxysphinx.resources.ResourceProvider] = DoxygenResourceProvider, parallel: bool = True)[source]#

The cleaner cleans files created and copied by the builder.

cleanup(doxygen_html_dir: pathlib.Path)[source]#

Clean up files that were generated by the build method.


doxygen_html_dir – The html output directory of doxygen where the generated documentation is.