Verified Boot (Security)
By Ulrich Matejek of Bosch TOP97
Time: 15:00 Room: S4
A secure boot process establishes a chain of trust from (ideally) the hardware to the
boot loader to the kernel and the applications of an embedded Linux system. Too often,
the last link in this chain which secures the applications and their configuration data
is weakened by relying on a read-only file system which does not protect against e.g.,
data manipulation while the system is powered off.
In this talk, we present a blueprint for a secure boot process and a data integrity
solution that provide assurance that applications and (static) configuration data has
not been tampered with.
The design choices allowed by the building blocks of the implementation - OverlayFS,
dm-verity, and rustBoot - as well as the (planned) integration with RAUC for system
updates are examined and compared.
Ulrich Matejek started working as a security consultant for ETAS in 2018 where his responsibilities include a wide range of topics, ranging from security analyses and security concepts to supporting customers during their integration of CycurHSM to security in Linux on IoT devices and future concepts for trust-based automotive security.