Schema: Network



kind: Network metadata: name: CAN1 annotations: message_lib: examples/stub/data/ function_lib: examples/stub/data/ spec: messages: - message: systemStatus annotations: struct_name: CAN1_systemStatus_t struct_size: 4 frame_id: 496 frame_length: 8 cycle_time_ms: 10 signals: - signal: Crc annotations: struct_member_name: crc struct_member_offset: 0 struct_member_primitive_type: uint8_t - signal: Alive annotations: struct_member_name: alive struct_member_offset: 1 struct_member_primitive_type: uint8 - signal: Temperature annotations: struct_member_name: temperature struct_member_offset: 2 struct_member_primitive_type: int16_t functions: encode: - function: counter_inc_uint8 annotations: position: 1 - function: crc_generate annotations: position: 0 decode: - function: crc_validate annotations: position: 0

A Network definition.

Supported annotations:

message_libRelative path of the shared library containing the Network Message symbols.
function_libRelative path of the shared library containing Network Function symbols.
node_idThe identifier of the Node used to indicate the sender of a network message. Typically specified in a mimeTYPE for the Network Signal, however a value may also be specified here.
interface_idThe identifier of the Interface of the Node used to send a network message. Typically specified in a mimeTYPE for the Network Signal, however a value may also be specified here.
bus_idThe identifier of the Bus connected to the Interface of the Node. Typically specified in a mimeTYPE for the Network Signal, however a value may also be specified here.


metadataobjectfalseInformation relating to an object.
» namestringfalseThe name of the object.
» labelsobjectfalseIdentifying information used to identify objects within the system (e.g. giving a specific ’label’ to an object).
»» additionalPropertiesstringfalsenone
» annotationsobjectfalseNon identifying information (i.e. information specific to the object itself).
»» additionalPropertiesanyfalsenone

Enumerated Values



messages: - message: systemStatus annotations: struct_name: CAN1_systemStatus_t struct_size: 4 frame_id: 496 frame_length: 8 cycle_time_ms: 10 signals: - signal: Crc annotations: struct_member_name: crc struct_member_offset: 0 struct_member_primitive_type: uint8_t functions: encode: - function: crc_generate annotations: position: 0 decode: - function: crc_validate annotations: position: 0


messages[NetworkMessage]trueA list of messages belonging to this Network.


message: systemStatus annotations: struct_name: CAN1_systemStatus_t struct_size: 4 frame_id: 496 frame_length: 8 cycle_time_ms: 10 signals: - signal: Crc annotations: struct_member_name: crc struct_member_offset: 0 struct_member_primitive_type: uint8_t functions: encode: - function: crc_generate annotations: position: 0 decode: - function: crc_validate annotations: position: 0

A Network message definition.

Supported annotations:

struct_nameName of the typedef/struct representing the message.
struct_sizeSize of the message struct (in bytes).
frame_idThe frame id of the message when encoded to a bus transport (e.g. CAN Frame ID).
frame_lengthThe length of the message when encoded (in bytes).
cycle_time_msMessage will be sent according to the specified schedule (milliseconds).


messagestringtrueThe name of the message.
annotationsobjectfalseNon identifying information (i.e. information specific to the object itself).
» additionalPropertiesanyfalsenone
signals[NetworkSignal]falseA list of signals represented in this message.
functionsNetworkFunctionsfalseMessage functions to be applied to this message.


signal: Temperature annotations: struct_member_name: temperature struct_member_offset: 2 struct_member_primitive_type: int16_t

A Network signal definition.

Supported annotations:

init_valueThe signal is initialised to this value. The value will be interpreted according to the struct_member_primitive_type annotation.
struct_member_nameName of the struct member which represents this signal.
struct_member_offsetOffset of the member in the struct (in bytes).
struct_member_primitive_typeThe primitive type of the member (select from int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, float or double).


signalstringtrueThe name of the signal.
annotationsNetworkMessage/properties/annotationsfalseNon identifying information (i.e. information specific to the object itself).


encode: - &a1 function: crc_generate annotations: position: 0 decode: - *a1

Message functions to be applied to this message.


encode[NetworkFunction]falseMessage functions applied to the encode processing path (i.e. from Signal to Network interface). Functions are implicitly applied in the order of definition.
decode[NetworkFunction]falseMessage functions applied to the decode processing path (i.e. from Network to Signal interface). Functions are implicitly applied in the order of definition.


function: crc_generate annotations: position: 0

A Network Function definition.


functionstringtrueThe name of the function (i.e. the name of the symbol in the Network Function shared library).
annotationsNetworkMessage/properties/annotationsfalseNon identifying information (i.e. information specific to the object itself).
