Model C Debug Techniques


GDB Enabled Makefiles

Repos can be enabled for interactive GDB debugging with the following technique:

  1. In the main Makefile, add the GDB_CMD environment variable (i.e. --env GDB_CMD="$(GDB_CMD)") to every DOCKER_CMD that requires interactive GDB debugging support.

  2. For each Makefile run target where interactive GDB debugging is required, prefix the run command with the GDB_CMD variable, for example: cd build/_out; $(GDB_CMD) bin/test_tdd.

  3. Set the GDB_CMD environment variable with your GDB command (e.g. export GDB_CMD="gdb -ex run").

  4. Execute your Makefile run target, which will start in GDB according to the configuration in GDB_CMD.

A few simple GDB commands:

  • bt - backtrace.
  • frame x - move to stack frame x (where x is from output of bt command).
  • print x - print the value of variable x.
  • list - list the code around the current stopped point.
  • quit - exit GDB.

Hint: this technique is particularly helpful when working with CMocka based Test Cases.

Example GDB_CMD settings:

# Run GDB.
$ export GDB_CMD="gdb -q -ex run"

# Run GDB and exit if the program finished without error.
$ export GDB_CMD="gdb -q -ex='set confirm on' -ex=run -ex=quit"

Example Makefile:

# Docker CMDS (shortened example).
ifneq ($(CI), true)
  DOCKER_BUILDER_CMD := docker run -it --rm \
    --volume $$(pwd):/tmp/repo \
    --env GDB_CMD="$(GDB_CMD)" \
    --workdir /tmp/repo \

# Run target.
  cd build/_out; $(GDB_CMD) bin/test_tdd

ModelC Integration with GDB in Docker Environment

When developing parts of the Model C Library it is occasionally necessary to run the various elements under GDB. The Docker based build environment can be configured to do this, and there are several Makefile targets which help in establishing that environment.

Exact commands to run SimBus and ModelC can be taken from the output of unit/integration tests.

Start Docker Environment (Terminal 1)

This command creates a Docker Network, starts a Redis Container, and then starts a Docker Build Container ready for use. The current directory of the repo is also mapped into the container at /tmp/repo.

:~/git/dse/dse.modelc$ make test-env
:/tmp/repo# ls dse/modelc/build/_out/
bin  data  examples  include  lib  licenses

Connect to Docker Environment and start SimBus (Terminal 2)

:~/git/dse/dse.modelc$ make test-env-it
docker exec -it --workdir /tmp/repo modelc_testenv /bin/bash
:/tmp/repo# cd /tmp/repo/dse/modelc/build/_out/examples/binary
:/tmp/repo/dse/modelc/build/_out/examples/binary# gdb --args /tmp/repo/dse/modelc/build/_out/bin/simbus --logger 2 --timeout 1 stack.yaml
(gdb) run
Starting program: /tmp/repo/dse/modelc/build/_out/bin/simbus --logger 2 --timeout 1 stack.yaml
Version: 0.0.2
Start the Bus ...

Connect to Docker Environment and start ModelC (Terminal 3)

:~/git/dse/dse.modelc$ make test-env-it
docker exec -it --workdir /tmp/repo modelc_testenv /bin/bash
:/tmp/repo# cd /tmp/repo/dse/modelc/build/_out/examples/binary
:/tmp/repo/dse/modelc/build/_out/examples/binary# gdb --args /tmp/repo/dse/modelc/build/_out/bin/modelc --logger 2 --name binary_model_instance model.yaml stack.yaml signal_group.yaml
(gdb) run
Starting program: /tmp/repo/dse/modelc/build/_out/bin/modelc --logger 2 --name binary_model_instance model.yaml stack.yaml signal_group.yaml
Version: 0.0.2
Platform: linux-amd64
Model function model_setup called
Configure Channel: binary_channel
  Channel Name: Network
  Channel Alias: binary_channel
[INFO]     signal[0] : RAW (_load_signals:259)
  Unique signals identified: 1
Init Controller channel: Network
  Pub Key:
  Sub Key:
[INFO]   Allocate signal vector type 1 for 1 signals. (model_configure_channel:405)
[FATAL]  Binary vector not allocated! (model_setup:94)
[Inferior 1 (process 37) exited with code 0175]

General GDB commands

  • bt
  • frame
  • up
  • down
  • info locals
  • info args

GDB Server

ModelC can be debugged using GDB Server which enables remote debugging - where the program being debugged runs on a remote system while debugger (and debugging symbols) are running on the local system.

Run ModelC with GDB Server

GDB Server can be started on a target system a number of ways. For the debugger to connect to the running GDB Server instance requires connectivity via port 2159.

Note: In each of the following examples it is assumed that the container images have been built locally and include the same executable files in both local and remote (in container) systems.

# GDB Server via 'simer'.
$ simer dse/modelc/build/_out/examples/minimal -endtime 0.04 -gdb minimal_inst

# GDB Server with standalone command.
$ gdbserver localhost:2159 dse/modelc/build/_out/bin/modelc --name instance model.yaml simulation.yaml

# GDB Server with docker compose.
$ cat docker-compose.yaml
version: "1.0"
    image: dse-modelc:test
      - ./:/tmp/repo
      - /usr/bin/gdbserver:/tmp/repo/gdbserver
    container_name: "modelc"
    working_dir: /tmp/repo
      gdbserver localhost:2159 dse/modelc/build/_out/bin/modelc --name instance model.yaml simulation.yaml
      - 2159:2159
$ docker-compose up

Connect to remote ModelC

Note: solib-search-path should be set to the local path (relative to the running remote executable).

$ gdb dse/modelc/build/_out/bin/modelc
(gdb) set solib-search-path ./
(gdb) target remote localhost:2159
(gdb) continue
(gdb) bt

Dynamic Linking


Dynamic linking on Linux can be debugged with the following commands:

# Use the runtime example.
$ cd dse/modelc/build/_out/examples/runtime

# Read the Dynamic Linking data fields.
$ readelf -d lib/

Dynamic section at offset 0x2df0 contains 27 entries:
  Tag        Type                         Name/Value
 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
 0x000000000000000e (SONAME)             Library soname: []
 0x000000000000001d (RUNPATH)            Library runpath: [lib]    **** set via CMake ****

# Monitor the loading process:
$ LD_DEBUG=libs bin/importer lib/ sim data/simulation.yaml target_inst

# Monitor and inject a search path:
$ LD_DEBUG=libs LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib bin/importer lib/ sim data/simulation.yaml target_inst

Adjust ‘runpath’ with CMake

Use the INSTALL_RPATH target property to set the runpath. This value can be a list of paths: lib:resources/lib. Those paths would be relative to the working directory of the executable needing to load dynamic libraries.

set_target_properties(runtime PROPERTIES


Windows will load dynamic linked libraries which have been placed in the folder as other libraries.