Signal Vectors


The Dynamic Simulation Environment (DSE) presents models with a simple vector interface for the exchange of signals. Those signals can be either:

  • scalar : Internally represented as a 64bit storage container (double). These values are transparently exchanged between models. Models may cast/convert these scalar values to other types as required.
  • binary : Binary strings, which may container embedded NULL values, can be exchanged between models. Additionally a binary signal may be annotated with a MIME type which describes the content of a binary signal.

Scalar Signal Vector

Scalar signal vectors are used by models to exchange signal values. Those values of a scalar signal vector are represented internally as 64bit storage container (double), and they are transparently exchanged between models. Models can cast these values to any scalar data type as required.

API Methods

/* Access signal annotations. */
const char* value = sv->annotation(sv, i, "name");


Scalar signal vectors are represented by a SignalGroup YAML document. Individual signals may have additional annotations which can be used to describe the behaviour or properties of the signal - those annotations may be interpreted by a model which uses those signals.

Scalar Signal Vector :

kind: SignalGroup
  name: scalar
    - signal: foo
    - signal: bar
        type-cast: int32

Binary Signal Vector

Binary signal vectors are used by models to exchange binary data, the effect of which is to create binary data streams between models. When associated with a MIME type, complex communication protocols can be realised (e.g. CAN Bus simulation). When several models exchange binary data values for the same signal, each of those values will be consolidated into a single value which represents a binary stream, and that consolidated value is exchanged between all models.

Because the binary signals may represent variable length data objects, there are a collection of API Methods available to reliably interface with this vector type.

API Methods

/* Work with a binary signal. */
sv->reset(sv, i);  /* Reset the binary signal (i.e. length = 0). */
sv->append(sv, i, data, length);  /* Append data to the signal. */
sv->release(sv, i);  /* Free the memory buffer of a binary signal. */

/* Access signal annotations. */
const char* value = sv->annotation(sv, i, "name");


Binary signal vectors are represented by a SignalGroup YAML document with a metadata annotation vector_type: binary. Each signal of a binary signal vector should also have an annotation mime_type which describes the binary data. The default value provided by the Signal Vector API is application/octet-stream (which, from a system integration perspective, is almost totally useless).

Individual signals may have additional annotations which can be used to describe the behaviour or properties of the signal - those annotations may be interpreted by a model which uses those signals.

Binary Signal Vector :

kind: SignalGroup
  name: binary
    vector_type: binary
    - signal: foo
        mime_type: 'application/octet-stream; interface=parameter; file=calibration.csv'
    - signal: bar
        mime_type: 'application/x-automotive-bus; interface=stream; type=frame; schema=fbs'


A scalar signal may be associated with a transformation by the transform node located alongside the signal node in a SignalGroup definition. The following transformations are supported:

linearS~model~ = S~vector~ * factor + offset

When signals are set by a model, all defined transformations are applied in the reverse direction before those signal values are exchanged with other models in a simulation. Therefore a transformed signal value is only observable by a model which is associated with such a signal definition.


Transformations are configured for individual signals in a SignalGroup YAML document.

Scalar Signal Vector with Transformations :

kind: SignalGroup
  name: scalar
    - signal: foo
    - signal: bar
          factor: 20
          offset: -100

API Examples

Using the Model API

(definied in dse/modelc/model.h)

Signal vectors are located on the ModelDesc object (model->sv) as a NTL (Null terminated list) and can be indexed with the model->index function of the same object.

int model_step(ModelDesc* model, double* model_time, double stop_time)
    // Find a signal using the index method.
    ModelSignalIndex counter = model->index(m, "data", "counter");
    if (counter.scalar == NULL) return -EINVAL;
    *(counter.scalar) += 1;

    // Find a signal vector using the index method.
    ModelSignalIndex data_sv = model->index(m, "data", NULL);
    if ( == NULL) return -EINVAL;


Using the Runtime API

(definied in dse/modelc/runtime.h)

The Runtime API can be used to access signal vectors and is of particular use to tool developers and integrators who need access to runtime objects.

#include <dse/modelc/model.h>

int model_function(ModelInstanceSpec* mi)
    SignalVector* sv = model_sv_create(mi);
    while (sv && sv->name) {
        for (uint i = 0; i++; i < sv->count) {
            if (sv->is_binary) {
                sv->reset(sv, i);
                sv->append(sv, i, "hello world", 12);
                printf("%s = %f (%s)\n", sv->signal[i], sv->binary[i], sv->mime_type[i]);
            } else {
                printf("%s = %f\n", sv->signal[i], sv->scalar[i]);
        /* Next signal vector. */
