Simulation Framework Benchmark


The following Simulation Framework Benchmarks give an understanding of how the Dynamic Simulation Environment performs for a variety of simulation topologies. This information can be used to decide on a deployment strategy for a simulation that takes into account:

  • The total number of signals in a simulation.
  • How many models are configured in a simulation.
  • The expected amount of signal exchange per simulation step (throughput).

Each of these benchmarks are evaluated across a subset of recommended simulation topologies. These topologies include:

  • Model Runtime - Stacked model instance (single process) / Loopback SimBus
  • Stacked w. Redis - Stacked model instance (single process) / Redis SimBus
  • Distributed w. Redis - Distributed model instances (process per model) / Redis SimBus

All benchmark simulations are executed using the Simer docker appliance with a Co-Simulation step size of 0.5mS. Each simulation runs for 1 “simulation” minute (i.e. a total of 2000 simulation steps).

Benchmark (Core i7-1370P)

Host system is a ThinkPad T16 G2 (Intel Core i7-1370P, 1900 Mhz, 14 Core, 32 GB Memory) with Linux running in WSL2. All binaries are compiled for amd64 architecture with optimization -03. Values are presented relative to realtime operation.

Signal Count

SIGNAL_COUNTIncreasing range (count = 1000 * 2^N for N=0,1,2,3,4,5)
SIGNAL_CHANGEConstant at 200 signals per simulation step, distributed evenly over all models
MODEL_COUNTConstant at 5


Signal Throughput

SIGNAL_COUNTConstant at 4000
SIGNAL_CHANGEIncreasing range (change per model = 25 50 100 200 400 800**), distributed evenly over all models
MODEL_COUNTConstant at 5

Note: **Represents saturation with 4000 signal changes per simulation step.


Model Count

SIGNAL_COUNTConstant at 4000
SIGNAL_CHANGEConstant at 400, distributed evenly over all models
MODEL_COUNTIncreasing range (count = 1 2 3 4 6 8 12 16)


Benchmark (Codespace 4 vCPU)

Host system is a Codespace 4 core virtual machine. Reports CPU as Xeon Platinum 8370C (Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8370C CPU, 2.80GHz, 4 Core, 16 GB Memory) with Linux. All binaries are compiled for amd64 architecture with optimization -03. Values are presented relative to realtime operation.

Signal Count

SIGNAL_COUNTIncreasing range (count = 1000 * 2^N for N=0,1,2,3,4,5)
SIGNAL_CHANGEConstant at 200 signals per simulation step, distributed evenly over all models
MODEL_COUNTConstant at 5


Signal Throughput

SIGNAL_COUNTConstant at 4000
SIGNAL_CHANGEIncreasing range (change per model = 25 50 100 200 400 800**), distributed evenly over all models
MODEL_COUNTConstant at 5

Note: **Represents saturation with 4000 signal changes per simulation step.


Model Count

SIGNAL_COUNTConstant at 4000
SIGNAL_CHANGEConstant at 400, distributed evenly over all models
MODEL_COUNTIncreasing range (count = 1 2 3 4 …)
