FMU API Reference
The FMU API provides a simplified FMU inteface with an abstracted variable interface (indexing and storage). The FMU Interface includes the methods:
- Implemented by FMU developer:
- Additional provided functions:
- logging function
- Supporting Variable Table mechanism:
An additional FMU Signal Interface is available for more complex integrations:
FMUs implemented using this simplified FMU API can be built for both FMI 2 and FMI 3 standards by linking to the relevant implementations:
for and FMI 2 FMUfmi3fmu.c
for and FMI 3 FMU
Binary variables are supported for FMI 3 and FMI 2 standards. In FMUs built to the FMI 2 standard, binary variables are implemented via FMI String Variables and an associated encoding. See Dynamic Simulation Environment - FMI Layered Standard Binary Codec Selection for details.
Component Diagram
@startuml fmu-component
skinparam nodesep 55
skinparam ranksep 40
skinparam roundcorner 10
skinparam componentTextAlignment center
title FMU Component Diagram
component "Importer" as importer
interface "FMI I/F" as fmi
package "FMU Library" {
component "FMI FMU\n(fmiXfmu.c)" as fmiXfmu
component "**FMU**\n(fmu.c)" as fmu
interface "FmuVTable" as fmuVt
component "Index\n(signal.c)" as index
interface "FmuSignalVTable" as signalVt
component "Encoder\n(ascii85.c)" as encoder
component "Network\n(ncodec.c)" as network
interface "NCodecVTable" as ncodec
note as N_fmu
Contains FMU functional
end note
fmu .up. N_fmu
importer -down-( fmi
fmi --down- fmiXfmu
fmiXfmu -left-( fmuVt
fmuVt -left- fmu
fmiXfmu -down-( signalVt
signalVt -down- index
stream .up.> index
encoder .up.> index
network .right.> stream
fmu -down-( ncodec
ncodec --- network
center footer Dynamic Simulation Environment
The following example demonstrates an FMU which implements an incrementing counter.
// Copyright 2024 Robert Bosch GmbH
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <dse/fmu/fmu.h>
typedef struct {
double counter;
} VarTable;
int fmu_create(FmuInstanceData* fmu)
VarTable* v = malloc(sizeof(VarTable));
*v = (VarTable){
.counter = fmu_register_var(fmu, 1, false, offsetof(VarTable, counter)),
fmu_register_var_table(fmu, v);
return 0;
int fmu_init(FmuInstanceData* fmu)
return 0;
int fmu_step(FmuInstanceData* fmu, double CommunicationPoint, double stepSize)
VarTable* v = fmu_var_table(fmu);
/* Increment the counter. */
v->counter += 1;
return 0;
int fmu_destroy(FmuInstanceData* fmu)
return 0;
void fmu_reset_binary_signals(FmuInstanceData* fmu)
typedef struct FmuInstanceData {
struct {
char* name;
int type;
int version;
char* resource_location;
char* guid;
bool log_enabled;
void* logger;
char* save_resource_location;
} instance;
struct {
struct {
int input;
int output;
} scalar;
struct {
int input;
int output;
} string;
struct {
int rx;
int tx;
int encode_func;
int decode_func;
int free_list;
} binary;
FmuSignalVTable vtable;
bool signals_reset;
} variables;
void* data;
struct {
void* table;
int var_list;
FmuVarTableMarshalItem* marshal_list;
} var_table;
typedef struct FmuSignalVTable {
FmuSignalsResetFunc reset;
FmuSignalsSetupFunc setup;
FmuSignalsRemoveFunc remove;
typedef struct FmuSignalVector {
int index;
uint32_t count;
char** signal;
uint32_t* uid;
double* scalar;
void** binary;
uint32_t* length;
uint32_t* buffer_size;
char** mime_type;
void** ncodec;
typedef struct FmuSignalVectorIndex {
FmuSignalVector* sv;
uint32_t vi;
typedef struct FmuVTable {
FmuCreateFunc create;
FmuInitFunc init;
FmuStepFunc step;
FmuDestroyFunc destroy;
typedef struct FmuVarTableMarshalItem {
double* variable;
double* signal;
This method creates a FMU specific instance which will be used to operate the
FMU. It is called in the Instantiate()
method of the FMI standard.
Implemented by FMU.
- fmu (FmuInstanceData*)
- The FMU Descriptor object representing an instance of the FMU Model.
- 0 (int32_t)
- The FMU was created correctly.
Releases memory and system resources allocated by FMU.
It is called in the FreeInstance()
Method of the FMU.
Implemented by FMU.
- fmu (FmuInstanceData*)
- The FMU Descriptor object representing an instance of the FMU Model.
- 0 (int32_t)
- The FMU data was released correctly.
This method initializes all FMU relevant data that is represented by the FMU.
It is called in the ExitInitializationMode()
Method of the FMU.
Implemented by FMU.
- fmu (FmuInstanceData*)
- The FMU Descriptor object representing an instance of the FMU Model.
- 0 (int32_t)
- The FMU was created correctly.
Write a log message to the logger defined by the FMU.
- fmu (FmuInstanceData*)
- The FMU Descriptor object representing an instance of the FMU Model.
- status (const int)
- The status of the message to be logged.
- category (const char*)
- The category the message belongs to.
- message (const char*)
- The message to be logged by the FMU.
Lookup and existing NCODEC object which represents a binary (or string) variable of the FMU.
- fmu (FmuInstanceData*)
- The FMU Descriptor object representing an instance of the FMU Model. vref (uint32_t)
- Variable reference of the variable with an associated NCODEC object. input (bool)
- Set
for input, andfalse
for output variable causality.
- void* (NCODEC pointer)
- A valid NCODEC object for the underlying variable.
Register a variable with the FMU Variable Table mechanism.
- fmu (FmuInstanceData*)
- The FMU Descriptor object representing an instance of the FMU Model. vref (uint32_t)
- Variable reference of the variable being registered. input (bool)
- Set
for input, andfalse
for output variable causality. offset (size_t) - Offset of the variable (type double) in the FMU provided variable table.
- start_value (double)
- The configured FMU Variable start value, or 0.
Register the Variable Table. The previously registered variables, via calls to
, are configured and the FMU Variable Table mechanism
is enabled.
- fmu (FmuInstanceData*)
- The FMU Descriptor object representing an instance of the FMU Model. table (void*)
- Pointer to the Variable Table being registered.
This method will remove any buffers used to provide storage for FMU variables.
If those buffers were allocated (e.g by an implementation
of fmu_signals_setup()
) then those buffers should be freed in this method.
Integrators may provide their own implementation of this method.
- fmu (FmuInstanceData*)
- The FMU Descriptor object representing an instance of the FMU Model.
This method will reset any binary variables which where used by an FMU in the previous step. Typically this will mean that indexes into the buffers of binary variables are set to 0, however the buffers themselves are not released (i.e. free() is not called).
Integrators may provide their own implementation of this method.
- fmu (FmuInstanceData*)
- The FMU Descriptor object representing an instance of the FMU Model.
This method will setup the buffers which provide storage for FMU variables.
Depending on the implementation buffers may be mapped to existing buffers
in the implementation, or allocated specifically. When allocating buffers the
method fmu_signals_setup()
should also be implemented to release those buffers
when the FmuInstanceData()
is freed.
Integrators may provide their own implementation of this method.
- fmu (FmuInstanceData*)
- The FMU Descriptor object representing an instance of the FMU Model.
This method initializes all FMU relevant data that is represented by the FMU.
It is called in the DoStep()
Method of the FMU.
Implemented by FMU.
- fmu (FmuInstanceData*)
- The FMU Descriptor object representing an instance of the FMU Model. communication_point (double)
- The current model time of the FMU in seconds. step_size (double)
- The step size of the FMU in seconds.
- 0 (int32_t)
- The FMU step was performed correctly.
Return a reference to the previously registered Variable Table.
- fmu (FmuInstanceData*)
- The FMU Descriptor object representing an instance of the FMU Model.
- table (void*)
- Pointer to the Variable Table.