FMI ModelC FMU API Reference
Free memory and resources related to the provided FMU instance.
- c (fmi2Component*)
- An Fmu2InstanceData object representing an instance of this FMU.
Initialise the Model Runtime (of the ModelC library) and in the process establish the simulation that this ModelC FMU is wrapping/operating.
This function will generate indexes to map between FMI Variables and ModelC Signals; both scaler signals (double) and binary signals (string/binary).
- c (fmi2Component*)
- An Fmu2InstanceData object representing an instance of this FMU.
- fmi2OK (fmi2Status)
- The simulation that this FMU represents is ready to be operated.
Set values for the provided list of value references and values.
- c (fmi2Component*)
- An Fmu2InstanceData object representing an instance of this FMU.
- vr (fmi2ValueReference[])
- List of value references to set.
- nvr (int)
- The number of value references to set.
- value (fmi2Real[])
- Storage for the values to be set.
- fmi2OK (fmi2Status)
- The requested variables have been set (where available).
Set values for the provided list of value references and values. String/Binary variables are always appended to the ModelC Binary Signal.
Note: If several variables are indexed against the same ModelC Binary Signal, for instance in a Bus Topology, then each variable will be appended to that ModelC Binary Signal.
- c (fmi2Component*)
- An Fmu2InstanceData object representing an instance of this FMU.
- vr (fmi2ValueReference[])
- List of value references to set.
- nvr (int)
- The number of value references to set.
- value (fmi2String[])
- Storage for the values to be set.
- fmi2OK (fmi2Status)
- The requested variables have been set (where available).
Set values for the provided list of value references and values. String/Binary variables are always appended to the ModelC Binary Signal.
Note: If several variables are indexed against the same ModelC Binary Signal, for instance in a Bus Topology, then each variable will be appended to that ModelC Binary Signal.
- c (fmi2Component*)
- An Fmu2InstanceData object representing an instance of this FMU.
- currentCommunicationPoint (fmi2Real)
- The model time (for the start of this step).
- communicationStepSize (fmi2Real)
- The model step size.
- noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint (fmi2Boolean)
- Not used.
- fmi2OK (fmi2Status)
- The step completed.
- fmi2Error (fmi2Status)
- An error occurred when stepping the ModelC Simulation.
The FMI ModelC FMU is and FMU which is capable of loading and running a DSE Simulation (e.g. a ModelC Simulation Stack). All capabilites of the ModelC Runtime are supported, including the exchange of binary signals (e.g. CAN) and realisation of bus topologies (e.g. multi-node CAN Networks).
Component Diagram
@startuml fmimodelc-component
title FMI ModelC FMU
center footer Dynamic Simulation Environment
Create an instance of this FMU, allocate/initialise a Fmu2InstanceData
object which should be used for subsequent calls to FMI methods (as parameter
fmi2Component c
Note: This implementation does not use memory related callbacks provided by the Importer (e.g.
- fmi2Component (pointer)
- An Fmu2InstanceData object which represents this FMU instance.
Get values for the provided list of value references.
- c (fmi2Component*)
- An Fmu2InstanceData object representing an instance of this FMU.
- vr (fmi2ValueReference[])
- List of value references to retrieve.
- nvr (int)
- The number of value references to retrieve.
- value (fmi2Real[])
- Storage for the retrieved values.
- fmi2OK (fmi2Status)
- The requested variables are retrieved (where available).
Get values for the provided list of value references.
- c (fmi2Component*)
- An Fmu2InstanceData object representing an instance of this FMU.
- vr (fmi2ValueReference[])
- List of value references to retrieve.
- nvr (int)
- The number of value references to retrieve.
- value (fmi2String[])
- Storage for the retrieved values.
- fmi2OK (fmi2Status)
- The requested variables are retrieved (where available).